
Web Design

Great nonprofit web design attracts donors, encourages volunteers, and gets services to the people who need them most. For more than 20 years, Cybernautic has worked with nonprofit organizations, churches, and NGOs to help increase their outreach efforts and serve their local communities.


Our nonprofit web design team works collaboratively with clients to identify their specific needs and determine how customized web design can help them achieve their goals. We are honored to be the go-to nonprofit web design agency for organizations enacting positive change around the world, including The Center for Human Services, Habitat for Humanity, GOYA Ministries, and the Boys and Girls Club.  


Ready to begin the conversation about the nonprofit web design services Cybernautic can provide? Let’s get started!  


Great nonprofit web design attracts donors, encourages volunteers, and gets services to the people who need them most. For more than 20 years, Cybernautic has worked with nonprofit organizations, churches, and NGOs to help increase their outreach efforts and serve their local communities.


Our nonprofit web design team works collaboratively with clients to identify their specific needs and determine how customized web design can help them achieve their goals. We are honored to be the go-to nonprofit web design agency for organizations enacting positive change around the world, including The Center for Human Services, Habitat for Humanity, GOYA Ministries, and the Boys and Girls Club.  


Ready to begin the conversation about the nonprofit web design services Cybernautic can provide? Let’s get started!  


Individualized Features
For Nonprofit Websites

We know that nonprofit organizations have a lot on their plates. From planning events to coordinating community projects, your team needs a website that makes your lives easier.


Cybernautic’s nonprofit web design services ensure your custom site has features that are unique to your goals, including robust donation platforms, dynamic event calendars, and user-friendly volunteer portals. Reach a wider audience and increase your impact with our suite of nonprofit web marketing services, including organic search engine optimization, pay-per-click ad management, and review generation.  

  1. 1 Engaging Page Layout Design
    Tells Your Story
  2. 2 Secure Online Donation Pages
  3. 3 Dynamic Event Calendars
  4. 4 Job & Volunteer Opportunity Listings
  1. 5 Custom Online Forms
  2. 6 Membership / Volunteer Portals
  3. 7 Interactive Impact Graphs & Charts
  4. 8 Dynamic Video Content

Patrons and volunteers will quickly lose interest when faced with a frustrating experience on nonprofit websites. Your organization deserves more than “good enough.”

Home Sweet Home Ministries

A Custom Website
Tells Your Story

One of the most powerful tools you have is your story. Whether you’re a national NGO, a local ministry, or a regional nonprofit, clearly communicating the impact of the important work your organization is doing is paramount to your success. Clunky or confusing websites often result in low engagement from volunteers and donors, preventing connection with people who would otherwise be excited to partner with you.  


Engaging and interactive nonprofit web design is the perfect way to tell your story. Our team utilizes video, photography, impact charts, and more to highlight your mission, vision, and goals. With decades of experience, Cybernautic specializes in nonprofit web design to help organizations effectively share their message.  

The Promise Council
Donation Platform

Over half of the people visiting your nonprofit website will do so on a mobile device. For potential donors, being able to easily and quickly identify how to make a one-time payment or recurring gift is essential. Cybernautic’s mobile-responsive design and secure online donation platform allows organizations like The Promise Council to thrive. Explore the case study on The Promise Council and learn more about how this functionality can support your nonprofit website.

Our Nonprofit Websites
  • Habitat For Humanity Greater Peoria
  • Boys and Girls Club of Greater Peoria
  • Home Sweet Home Ministries' Peer-to-Peer fundraising website raised over $90,000 in one-time donations to increase awareness of a hidden aspect of homelessness that many in a Central Illinois community experience--living in their cars.

    Night In a Car
  • The Promise Council needed their new website to not only help patrons understand their mission as an organization, but also to introduce their first online donation platform to allow donors to engage on any device.

    Promise Council
  • GOYA Ministries' website features engaging design and page layouts that focuses on the lives of those impacted by their work—what better way to tell their story?

    GOYA Ministries
  • Greater Peoria Area

    Habitat For Humanity
  • United Pentecostal Church International's Discipleship Central website engages their congregations by offering curated video and audio content to stream on any device.

    Discipleship Central
  • Tinervin Family Foundation
Nairobi, Kenya
GOYA Ministries
Nairobi, Kenya
Peoria, Illinois
Habitat For Humanity
Peoria, Illinois
Pontiac, IL
Hope Pregnancy Center
Pontiac, IL
Glenview, IL
Jane's Room
Glenview, IL
Bloomington, Illinois
Promise Council
Bloomington, Illinois
UPCI Family Ministries

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