National Corn Growers
Website Redesign

Founded in 1957, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) represents nearly 40,000 dues-paying corn farmers nationwide and the interests of more than 300,000 growers. NCGA and its 50 affiliated state organizations work together to create and increase opportunities for corn growers across the United States.

The Challenge

As a long-term Cybernautic® customer, NCGA came to our team ready for the next iteration of their website after a few major internal shifts in priorities and messaging. They wanted their new website to help connect the politics and policies with the actual people in the industry, humanizing their work and improving the approachability of their organization. 

"statistics catch people's attention, But stories keep it!"


NCGA understood that focusing on the stories of the people that are impacted the most by their work is one of the best ways to engage their audiences and bridge that gap between the politics and the people.

The Results

This most recent redesign of the National Corn Growers Association website resulted in a more approachable design and clearer navigation for their multiple audiences. Features such as an interactive state affilates map, site-wide "master news" functionality, and new layout controls continue to provide NCGA with even more tools to ensure their website remains the primary communication hub for their organization.

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